Inspire To Change # 3 - Entrepreneuriat : Valentin Brulin et Benjamin Lapoute
Discover the new video in our "Inspire to Change" series.
Each month, a graduate of the School shares his or her journey through a career change or a business creation/takeover.
For this 3rd video on entrepreneurship, we met not one but two ESC Clermont graduates: Valentin Brulin, class of 2013, founder and president of Cofondateur and Benjamin Lapoute, class of 2012, marketing and partnerships manager.
Cofondateur is a platform that helps entrepreneurs find partners to create their company.
Inspire To Change # 3 - Entrepreneuriat : Valentin Brulin et Benjamin Lapoute
2022-05-11 08:56:00
2022-05-11 08:57:07
2022-05-10 16:47:03
Discover the new video in our "Inspire to Change" series.Each month, a graduate of the School shares his or her journey through a career change or a business creation/takeover.For this 3rd video on entrepreneurship, we met not one but two ESC Clermont graduates: Valentin Brulin, class of 2013, founder and president of Cofondateur and Benjamin Lapoute, class of 2012, marketing and partnerships manager.Cofondateur is a platform that helps entrepreneurs find partners to create their company.
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