Inspire To Change #5 : Sandrine Chausson-Collange
Discover the new video in our "Inspire to Change" series.
Each month, a graduate of the School shares his/her journey through a career change or a business creation/takeover.
For this 5th and last video on reconversion, we met Sandrine Chausson-Collange, ESC Clermont 1996 graduate, manager of Raphaele Meubles in Lyon since 2007.
After starting her career in Paris, she returned to her home town in 2006 to continue the family business adventure.
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Inspire To Change #5 : Sandrine Chausson-Collange
2022-02-08 10:20:00
2022-03-08 10:34:36
2022-02-08 10:22:38
Discover the new video in our "Inspire to Change" series.Each month, a graduate of the School shares his/her journey through a career change or a business creation/takeover.For this 5th and last video on reconversion, we met Sandrine Chausson-Collange, ESC Clermont 1996 graduate, manager of Raphaele Meubles in Lyon since 2007.After starting her career in Paris, she returned to her home town in 2006 to continue the family business adventure.
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